Our Mythical Childhood...

The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges

'45 Reception

In this cycle we wish to share the discoveries of our team and all our friends and colleagues, incl. students and the young faculty members, within the field of the reception of Classical Antiquity.

We have decided for the format of 45 seconds only, as it corresponds to a typical school lesson in Poland (45 min.). We have been also inspired by the “30SecondClassics” project by the University of Cambridge (with the kind permission from Dr. Ingo Gildenhard), that is focused on the ancient history and culture. Our aim is to present the most recent or the most interesting cases of the new forms of life of Classical Antiquity around us: books, movies, monuments, cultural phenomena, etc.

45 seconds – it is a challenge indeed, but also an exciting adventure we are happy to embark on. The movies will be registered in various languages, always with English subtitles.

Si fabula perplacuit, clare plaudite, o Spectatores et Spectatrices (or... give us your likes  tag_faces   thumb_up ).

Fabula 10: Jacek Bocheński on his novel The Divine Julius, now available also in the English translation

Fabula 9: Michael Stierstorfer on his video channel "Magister Caesar"

Fabula 8: Dr. Amanda Potter, Open University, on her book "Nausikaa's Odyssey"

Fabula 7: Alessia Borriello from the University of Bologna, and Ludovica Lusvardi from the Fashion Design at Politecnico of Milan/Theatrical Tailoring at Accademia della Scala on their new game "Olympus Ready-to-Wear" 

Fabula 6: Prof. Anna Tarwacka, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw on the Romans and Law via Playmobil

Fabula 5: Alessia Borriello, BA-Student from the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies of the University of Bologna, Erasmus+ Programme at the Faculty of "Artes Liberales" UW, on her novel "Blu e le streghe" ["Blu and the Witches"]

Fabula 4: Prof. Ulrich Schädler, Swiss Museum of Games and the ERC Advanced Grant “Locus Ludi” (www.locusludi.ch, PI: Prof. Véronique Dasen), on “Cyclades and Olympos

Fabula 3: Prof. Véronique Dasen, University of Fribourg (ERC Advanced Grant: "Locus Ludi", www.locusludi.ch) on “Jeux de cartes instructives” by Étienne Jouy

Fabula 2: Dr. Karolina Anna Kulpa on a Collection of Cleotoys

Fabula 1: Krzysztof Rybak on "Atlantis. A City Guide" ["Atlantyda. Przewodnik po mieście"] by Natalia Olbińska