Our Mythical Classes
We enjoy sharing our research through meetings with children and young adults and their teachers, parents, and tutors, at schools lessons, workshops, science festivals, educational events, etc. We appreciate these opportunities also to exchange the ideas and to learn from each other in this process, thus building together Our Mythical Community, based on shared curiosity about the ancient culture and its heritage, which is the source both of fun and serious reflection on our contemporary world.
29.10.2021 Katarzyna Marciniak had online classes with the high-schoolers at the Juliusz Słowacki VII High School in Warsaw, Na tropie mitów [On the Footsteps of Myths]

17.9.2021 Katarzyna Marciniak had online classes with the high-schoolers at the “Strumienie” High School in Józefów, Spotkanie z mitami [Meeting Myths]

18.5.2021 Katarzyna Marciniak had online classes within Susan Deacy’s Seminar at the University of Roehampton, London, If Just One Person Believes in... Mythology

27–28.4.2021 The Jury members, our colleagues and students from the Laboratory Leadership at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, and the OMC team members organized the workshops for the winners of the Ecology edition of the video competition Antiquity–Camera–Action!

22.12.2020 Katarzyna Marciniak took part as a guest in the Antiquity and Nature session at XI Mikołaj Rej High School in Warsaw, organized by Anna Wojciechowska. The session was a summary of the school’s part of the Our Mythical Nature project.

Susan Deacy led an online activity for autistic children and their families, during Being Human Festival – the UK only national festival of the humanities. See also here.
Susan Deacy led the Classics and Children’s Culture Show and Tell Zoom event to mark the Black History Month 2020 in the United Kingdom. See also here.
12.10.2020 Lisa Maurice and Ayelet Peer met with teachers to discuss a cooperation in The Heroes’ Journey (Myth for Autistic Children) project.
18.9.2020 Katarzyna Marciniak had online classes with the high-schoolers at the VII Juliusz Słowacki High School in Warsaw, Po co mity? Recepcja mitologii w kulturze, cz. 1 [Why Myths? The Reception of Mythology in Culture. Part 1]
17.9.2020 Katarzyna Marciniak had online classes with the high-schoolers at the VII Juliusz Słowacki High School in Warsaw, Po co mity? Recepcja mitologii w kulturze, cz. 2 [Why Myths? The Reception of Mythology in Culture. Part 2]

Ayelet Peer taught the final lesson in the course The Heroes’ Journey as part of the mythology and autism initiative ACCLAIM.
Sonya Nevin led a teaching session The Our Mythical Survey Database and How to Use It for trainee teachers on the Latin with Classics PGCE, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
Ayelet Peer taught the mythology class The Heroes’ Journey as part of the mythology and autism initiative ACCLAIM.
Lisa Maurice and Ayelet Peer (ACCLAIM) joined a Zoom meeting The Heroes’ Journey with an autistic class.
Sonya Nevin (Panoply Vase Animation Project) gave a school talk Sappho Through Vase Animation at the Stephen Perse School, Cambridge.
Ayelet Peer started teaching students with autism in 5–6th grades. The special programme The Heroes’ Journey is part of the mythology and autism initiative ACCLAIM.8.11.2019 Katarzyna Marciniak had classes with the high-schoolers at the VII Juliusz Słowacki High School in Warsaw, on Nasze mityczne dzieciństwo: recepcja antyku w kulturze [Our Mythical Childhood: The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Culture].

7.10.2019 Lisa Maurice’s panel proposal to the Classical Association Annual Conference 2020 in Swansea: “Beyond the Classics Classroom – Myth, Pedagogy and Promise” accepted!

5.10.2019 Sonya Nevin and Steve Simons (Panoply Vase Animation Project) ran an interactive stall at Didcot Festival of Greeks and Romans.
1.10.2019 Ecology – the new edition of the video competition for youth Antiquity–Camera–Action! in Poland.
For more see: https://antykkameraakcja.wordpress.com/

20.8.2019 Ayelet Peer co-organized a Mythological Greek Day on a children’s summer camp in Israel.

14–15.8.2019 Ayelet Peer met with an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) teacher to discuss the mythology for autistic children programme at an Israeli school.

24.6.2019 Sonya Nevin presented Our Mythical Survey database and Panoply Vase Animation Project at a training day for those classics teachers who mentor trainee classics teachers, at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education.

12.6.2019 Sonya Nevin presented Our Mythical Survey and Our Mythical Education databases to trainee classics teachers at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education.
24.5.2019 Tele-bridge with Prof. Stefano Colangelo and the students from his International Lab on Foreignness from the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies at the University of Bologna, during the conference Our Mythical History.
For more see: http://omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/our-mythical-history

4.4.2019 Sonya Nevin held a training session for trainee teachers at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, by using OMC animations and related activities in schools’ classics teaching.

27.3.2019 Sonya Nevin and Steve Simons gave a presentation on vases animations and their use in education at the Iris Project Festival of Natural History, Art, and Classics, Oxford.

11.2.2019 Ayelet Peer met with history teachers regarding future cooperation between the Classics Department at Bar-Ilan and the Ministry of Education: How to introduce better to teachers (and pupils) various Classics themes, such as Greek mythology, relation between Jews and Greeks/Romans, ancient texts etc.

15.11.2018 Susan Deacy, Helen Slaney, and Susanne Greenhalgh (collaborators) organized Our Mythical Childhood exhibition, at Being Human Festival, University of Roehampton, London.
7.11.2018 Barbara Strycharczyk and Katarzyna Marciniak held a lecture on the School–University collaboration for teachers and educators from the Ukraine in the programme headed by Robert A. Sucharski “The Innovative University and Leadership. Phase IV: Communication Stategies and the University–School Relationship” at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW.
More here: http://omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/news/96

25.10.2018 Hanna Paulouskaya participated in a workshop A Feast on Olympus for school teachers and she attended an open lecture about mythology for the 6th grade General Mariusz Zaruski 231st Primary School in Warsaw. The workshop was organized by two teachers – Anna Czernik (the 231st Primary School) and Agnieszka Czernik (the 387th Primary School).
For more see: https://ourmythicalchildhoodblog.wordpress.com/2019/01/08/a-feast-on-olympus/
1.10.2018 Ancient History – the new edition of the video competition for youth Antiquity–Camera–Action! in Poland.
For more see: https://antykkameraakcja.wordpress.com/

6.9.2018 Lisa Maurice and Ayelet Peer organized a mythical event for children in the International Science Night at Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
For more see: http://omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/news/75

7.7.2018 Sonya Nevin and Steve Simons held interactive stall and workshops at the Festival of Ancient Greece and Rome Didcot Girls’ School in Oxfordshire.

26.06.2018 A group of pupils from the Polish-English Primary School Edison with their teacher Marcin Gostkowski (a gratudate from the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW) visited Our Mythical Childhood at UW for the workshops with Katarzyna Marciniak and Agnieszka Maciejewska.
For more see: http://omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/news/50

6.6.2018 Sonya Nevin gave a presentation of the Our Mythical Childhood Survey at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.

17.3.2018 Katarzyna Marciniak held a lecture “The Minotaurs are Among Us, or the Reception of the Ancient Myths in Contemporary Culture” for the participants in the Ancient League Competition, at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

5.3.2018 Susan Deacy with Helen Slaney and Kimberly MacNeill (collaborator) organized a Tour of UR Children’s Literature Special Collections and Archives, University of Roehampton, London.

6.11.2017 Katarzyna Marciniak held a lecture “Our Mythical Childhood: Connecting People”, to a group of Ukrainian scholars and teachers, in the programme headed by Robert A. Sucharski “The Innovative University and Leadership. Phase III: Innovativeness and Relations with the Milieu, UW”, at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW.
13.10.2017 Dorota Bazylczyk and Anna Mik held a workshop on the reception of Classical Antiquity in youth popular culture at the VII Juliusz Słowacki High School in Warsaw.
1.10.2017 Myth – the first edition of the video competition for youth Antiquity–Camera–Action! in Poland.
For more see: https://antykkameraakcja.wordpress.com/
1.8.2017 Our colleague Volha Prakapchuk organized at the Faculty of Philology of the Belarusian State University an exhibition of the students’ posters prepared for the Our Mythical Hope conference.

5.12.2017 Sonya Nevin ran a training on how to incorporate “Animating the Ancient World” and other Our Mythical Childhood material into teaching, at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.

19.6.2017 Dorota Bazylczyk held a workshop on myths at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW, for a group of pupils from the Astrid Lindgren Elementary School in Warsaw.

7.2.2017 Sonya Nevin and Steve Simons had a Mythical Childhood-vase animation activity stall, at the Iris Festival of Ancient and Modern Science, Oxford.

15.12.2016 Katarzyna Marciniak held classes on “Meeting with Mythology” for elementary school children, within the “Flying Scientific Cafés” by the Polish Young Academy at the Polish Academy of Sciences, in the Elementary School Nr. 210 (im. Bohaterów Pawiaka) in Warsaw.

20.10.2016 Katarzyna Marciniak held a workshop “A Meeting with Athena and King Midas” for preschool children, Kindergarten Nr. 50 in Warsaw.

18.10.2016 Elizabeth Hale held a lecture “Classical Antiquity in Children’s Literature from Australia and New Zealand” at XI Mikołaj Rej High School in Warsaw.

7.10.2016 Katarzyna Marciniak held classes on the theme “In the Labyrinth of Myths” at the VII Juliusz Słowacki High School in Warsaw.