Fame ;-)

30.09.2019 - Katarzyna Marciniak talked on the expression “Hearth and Home” in Agnieszka Strzemińska’s programme on Radio Katowice

22.09.2019 - Katarzyna Marciniak talked on the expression “Achilles’e Heel” in Agnieszka Strzemińska’s programme on Radio Katowice

12.12.2019 DAAD - Katarzyna Marciniak on Cicero for children and the OMC Project at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw within the cycle “German-Polish Scientific Meetings” organized in cooperation with DAAD, German Embassy, and Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum

31.03.2019 - OurMythicalChildhood is presented on the new website of our research friends: the Locus Ludi ERC Advanced Grant Project by Prof. Véronique Dasen from the University of Fribourg

21.03.2019 - Comune di Bologna on our Homer reading session

24.02.2019 - Katarzyna Marciniak in a clip from the international conference “Play and Games in Antiquity. Definition–Transmission–Reception” organized in the Musée Suisse du Jeu in la Tour-de-Peilz by Prof. Véronique Dasen and her team within the project Locus Ludi (ERC Advanced Grant)

02.01.2019 - Viltė Banelytė in the study initiated by the ERCEA on Open Access by the Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI): OurMythicalChildhood is presented there as a Case Study “among 15 projects that have achieved outstanding results in open access uptake or good research data management, sharing and reuse practices”

24.10.2018 - Prof. David Movrin from the University of Ljubljana shares some memories from the OMC workshops The Present Meets the Past in the European Year of Cultural Heritage

22.10.2018 - Review of the “Our Myhical Childhood” volume, ed. Katarzyna Marciniak (Metaforms: Studies in the Reception of Classical Antiquity 8, Brill 2016) by Marek Oziewicz in Eos 94 (2), 2017

27.07.2018 - Krishni Burns on OMC at the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) conference in Albuquerque

26.06.2018 - Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson on Advocating Classics Education with a mention about OMC

26.06.2018 - Karen Pierce on Susan Deacy’s Show and Tell, Part 3

25.06.2018 Karen Pierce on the Show and Tell by Susan Deacy, Part 2

21.06.2018 - Karen Pierce from the Library at Cardiff University on the Show and Tell event organized by Susan Deacy, Part 1

07.06.2018 - Yale Classical Library recommends the Our Mythical Childhood Survey

28.05.2018 - The students from the Belarusian State University on the presentation of their movie Myths Around Us during our mythical workshops The Present Meets the Past in Warsaw

27.05.2018 - Prof. Susan Deacy on Wikipedia

24.05.2018 - Our kind hosts from the café Life Is Cool managed by the staff on autism spectrum write about our mythical workshops

20.03.2018 - OMC presented on the ERC website in the section “Projects & Figures”

13.03.2018 - OMC presented on the website of the European Commissionin the section “Success Stories”

28.01.2018 - Katarzyna Marciniak on the idea of the Our Mythical Childhood Project in an interview by Anna Dąbkowska, Polish Radio 4

26.01.2018 - Katarzyna Marciniak on the Video Competition in an interview by Anna Dąbkowska, Polish Radio 4

18.01.2018 - UW Promotion Office, information about the Video Competition within the OMC Project

15.05.2017 - UW Promotion Office, information about the conference Our Mythical Hope

09.03.2017 - UW Promotion Office, information about the ERC Day with the OMC Project at the UW organized by Katarzyna Marciniak

22.01.2017 - Katarzyna Marciniak in an interview by Beata Jewiarz on the Polish Radio RDC (Radio Dla Ciebie)

08.12.2016 - Elizabeth Hale and Sulari Gentill, ABC Radio, Why we’re still obsessed with classical mythology, The Drawing Room, National Drive Time with Patricia Karvelas

11.11.2016 - Elizabeth Hale, ABC Radio, Mythology in Uncertain Times, evenings with Melanie Tait

10.11.2016 - “Animating Antiquity: An Interview with Classical Scholar Sonya Nevin and Animator Steve K. Simons”, Thersites: Journal for Transcultural Presences & Diachronic Identities from Antiquity to Date 3, 2016, pp. 37–48

18.10.2016 - Katarzyna Marciniak on mythological phraseology, Polish Radio for Kids, broadcast by Agnieszka Kunikowska

04.09.2016 - Katarzyna Marciniak, presentation of the Project, Polish Radio 1, Magazyn Europejski Euranet Plus by Katarzyna Kobylecka

21.07.2016 - Katarzyna Marciniak on Polish Radio 1, Magazyn kulturalno-naukowy „Eureka” [Cultural-Science Magazine “Eureka”] by Katarzyna Kobylecka

13.07.2016 - A clip on the Our Mythical Childhood Project prepared by the University of Warsaw’s Press Office

05.2016 - Information on the website by the Polish Young Academy at the Polish Academy of Sciences

01.03.2016 - Katarzyna Marciniak on Polish Radio 4, Nawiedzeni [Freaks] by Patryk Kuniszewicz

27.02.2016 - Katarzyna Marciniak on Polish Radio 2, Magazyn Europejski [European Magazine] by Bartosz Panek, in an interview by Kamil Radomski

01.02.2016 - Presentation of the Project in the UW Magazine, article by Anna Swatowska, “Strzał w dziesiątkę, strzał w jedenastkę”, Pismo UW 1.76, 2016, pp. 4–5

23.12.2015 - Katarzyna Marciniak on Polish Radio RDC (Radio Dla Ciebie), broadcast by Grzegorz Chlasta

21.12.2015 - Information on the Grant awarding on the website of Forum Akademickie

21.12.2015 - Information on the Grant awarding on the website of the Polish National Contact Point