Our Mythical Childhood...

The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges

Finger on the Pulse


10.2.2025 – La Fondazione Patrum Lumen Sustine offers post-doctoral scholarships in the Classics, deadline 15.3.2025. For more see here and here.


6–7.11.2025 – Ciceronian conferencePersuader et faire mémoire à Rome à la fin de la République : relectures croisées des Catilinaires et des Philippiques de Cicéron (https://fairememoire.sciencesconf.org/?lang=fr). CfP by March 3, 2025. Details in French, English, Italian, and German are available here.


4–6.11.2024 – International conference Nec ut interpres sed ut... philosophus. Pourquoi éditer et commenter encore les textes philosophiques cicéroniens ? / Warum neue Ausgaben und neue Kommentare von Ciceros philosophischen Werken?”, Sorbonne Université (Paris, 75005, 54 rue Saint Jacques – Salle des Actes). It is possible to participate in situ and online. Programme: available on the event’s website: https://cicphil24.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/3


27.5.2024 – Call for Papers: “Persone e parole della cura nell’Antichità”, Università di Torino, 27–29 November 2024, organized by Anna Magnaldi  (Sapienza),  Ermanno Malaspina (UniTo), Celia Sánchez Natalías (UniZar), with the support from the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università di Torino (UniTo). Paper proposals (maximum 300 words) should be sent to anna.magnaldi@uniroma1.it by July 20, 2024. More details here.


8.5.2024 – “Lecturae Ciceronis 2025: Cicero’s Epistulae ad Brutum between politics, rhetoric and philosophy”, 20-21 March 2025, University of Lille. Organisation: Sophie Aubert-Baillot (U. Lille), Carlos Lévy (AIBL), Ermanno Malaspina (UniTo). Event organised with the support of UMR 8164 HALMA and the International Society of Cicero’s Friends (SIAC). Proposals for papers of no more than one page should be sent, together with a brief CV, to the scientific committee via https://adbrutum.sciencesconf.org by September 15, 2024. Papers (30 minutes) may be presented in English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, and Spanish. More details here.


29.2.2024 – La Fondazione Patrum Lumen Sustine is launching a series of public calls for postdoctoral research fellowships as well as for conference funding and support of publications. More information here.


28.2.2024 – We are pleased to share the information on the conference “Lecturae Ciceronis 2024 : le De inventione entre philosophie, droit et rhétorique”, 21–23.3.2024, Sorbonne Université, Paris.

The programme is available here and under this link.


18.1.2024 – Appel à communication / Call for papers for the international conference "Nec ut interpres sed ut... philosophus", 4–6.11.2024, Sorbonne Université, Paris. Deadline for submissions is 26th April 2024.

For details see the attachment in French, and German here.


18.10.2023 – Richiesta contributi / Call for papers for CICERONIANA ON LINE 2024 numero VIII, 1. Deadline for submissions is 20th February 2024. 

For details see the attachments in Italian, French, and English here.


21-22.3.2024 – Lecturae Ciceronis 2024: Cicero’s De inventione  between philosophy, law and rhetoric, Sorbonne University, Paris. Organisation: Charles Guérin (SU), Carlos Lévy (AIBL), Ermanno Malaspina (UniTo). Event organised with the support of the EDITTA team (SU - UR 1491) and the International Society of Cicero’s Friends (SIAC). More info (French/Italian/English) here.


30.1.2023 – Journée d'études sur les Académiques de Cicéron, Université de Lille, more details here


23-24.1.2023 – International Congress Cicerone e l’ambiente” at the University of Bologna, more information here


18.10.2022  – Richiesta contributi / Call for papers for CICERONIANA ON LINE 2023 numero VII, 1. Deadline for submissions is 22th February 2023.

For details see the attachments in English, Italian, and French see here


19.01-25.03.2022 – On behalf of our friends from the University of Bologna / The Cluster: The Past for the Present we invite you warmly to read "Oedipus Rex" together with amazing students of two "licei classici" and to listen to the introductory lectures by great expersts from Bologna and Munich. The sessions take place within the initiative Festival Européen Latin Grec. Join us online! (Links via the poster


28.10.2021 – Richiesta contributi / Call for papers for CICERONIANA ON LINE 2022 numero VI, 1. Deadline for submissions is 20th February 2022.

For details see the attachments in: English, Italian, French


25-26.02.2021 – “Cicero Digitalis: Cicero and Roman Thought in The Age of Digital Humanities”, international conferece via Zoom. 

For the programme see here.


10.11.2020 – Richiesta contributi / Call for papers for CICERONIANA ON LINE 2021 numero V, 1. Deadline for submissions to 2021’s fourth volume is the 20th of January 2021. 

For details see the attachments in: English, Italian, French


04.06.2020 – "Cicero still. Today" - a competition by the Town of Arpino. Deadline by 21st September 2020.

Details in the attachment.


05.02.2020 – CfP “Cicero Narrator. Narrative technique and rhetorical strategy in Cicero’s speeches”. Deadline by 20th March 2020. 

Details in the attachment.


01.02.2020 – CfP “Cicero Digitalis: Cicero and Roman Thought in the Age of Digital Humanities: Projects and Methods”. The Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron (SIAC), with support from the departments of Studi Umanistici of Università di Torino and Università del Piemonte Orientale et l’ERIAC (Équipe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur  les  Aires  Culturelles  –  Université  de  Rouen-Normandie),  calls  for  contributions  (papers  and/or  posters) addressing various topics related to Cicero and Roman thought in digital perspectives. Deadline by 30th April 2020. 

For more information see the file (Italian, French, English).


18.01.2020 - On behalf of Dr. Steffi Heinecke (Division for International Relations, Dioscuri Centres of Excellence, Max-Planck-Society – Administrative Headquarters), the third call for Dioscuri Centres of Scientific Excellence in Poland:

Dioscuri was initiated by the Max-Planck-Society to support the development of centres of scientific excellence in Central and Eastern Europe. The program seeks to support outstanding scientists who would like to establish and lead a highly visible research group in Poland. Dioscuri Centres are established at research institutions that offer an environment for cutting-edge research and are supported by experienced partners from Germany. Each Centre is funded with up to € 300,000 per annum for an initial five years and can be extended for a further five years after successful evaluation by external experts. Funding is provided equally by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).

The call is directed at internationally competitive and scientifically outstanding scientists who have proven their ability to conduct innovative research independently and who completed their PhD no longer than 15 years ago. We invite researchers from all scientific disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences. For more information see attachment 1 and attachment 2. Deadline by 23rd March 2020.