| ERC Website
 | Cordis Website
 | ERC’s Information on the Project
 | UW’s Information on the Project
 | UW’s Clip on the Project
 | University of Warsaw
 | Bar-Ilan University
 | University of New England
 | University of Roehampton
 | University of Yaoundé 1
 | YouTube
 | Facebook
 | Twitter
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 | Our Mythical Childhood Survey
 | Antipodean Odyssey
 | Mythology and Autism
 | Our Mythical Childhood Blog
 | Panoply Vase Animation Project
 | Faculty of “Artes Liberales”
 | Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition (OBTA)
 | Cultural Studies – Mediterranean Civilization
 | Modern Greek Philology
 | Collegium Artes Liberales
 | Anthropozoology
 | Cluster The Past for the Present
 | Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna
 | Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna
 | Faculty of Languages and Literatures, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
 | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
 | “Artes Liberales Institute” Foundation
 | Loeb Classical Library Foundation
 | Chasing Mythical Beasts... (Humboldt Project)
 | Mikołaj Rej XI High School
 | Mikołaj Rej XI Classics Profile
 | “Strumienie” High School
 | National Museum in Warsaw