Zofia Stanecka
, b. 1972
Zofia Stanecka (1972) is a Polish author best known for the series about Basia [Little Barbara] (2008–), which consists of over 40 titles, among them: Basia i biblioteka [Little Barbara and the Library] (2017), Basia i wolność [Little Barbara and Freedom] (2016), Basia i kolega z Haiti [Little Barbara and Her Colleague from Haiti] (2011). In the series Czytam sobie [I Read to Myself], prepared especially for children who learn how to read, she published – besides Troja. Historia upadku miasta [Troy. How the City Fell] (2017) – Kto polubi Trolla [Who Will Like a Troll] (2012), Troll i zawody [Troll and the Competition] (2013), Koc trolla Alojzego [Alojzy the Troll’s Blanket] (2013), Robot Robert [Robert the Robot] (2013), Kacper i Plaster [Kacper and the Bandaid] (2014), Historia pewnego statku [The Story of a Certain Ship] (2014), Droga mocy [The Way of the Force] (2015), W kraju Polan [In the Land of Polans] (2016).
Bio prepared by Krzysztof Rybak, University of Warsaw, rybak.km@gmail.com
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