Piotr Fąfrowicz
, b. 1958
Piotr Fąfrowicz (1958) studied art history at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. He received a mention in the Book of the Year Competition of the Polish Section of IBBY (International Board of Books for Young People) in 2003 and 2004 and won the award in 2006 for illustrating Wielkie zmiany w dużym lesie [Great Changes in a Large Forest] by Grażyna Ruszewska (2005). Wielkie zmiany w dużym lesie and Leon i kotka, czyli jak rozumieć mowę zegara [Leon and the Kitten, or How to Understand the Language of the Clock] (by Grażyna Ruszewska, 2004) were nominated for the White Ravens: Special Mentions List of the Internationale Jugendbibliothek in Munich (in 2007 and 2005).
Bio prepared by Krzysztof Rybak, University of Warsaw, rybak.km@gmail.com
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