Michael Gibson
Michael Gibson is an editor, archaeologist and children’s author. At the time of this book’s printing (Gods, Men and Monsters from the Greek Myths), he had written over twenty children’s books. Establishing which books are by him and which other authors of the same name is somewhat confusing, but Gibson appears to primarily write educational children’s books on art, history and politics. He seems to be the author of Genghis Khan and the Mongols (1976), The Vikings (Peoples of the Past) (1977), Knights and the Crusades (1975), Peter the Great (1975), War in Vietnam (1991) and Let’s Discuss Unemployment (1986).
According to the author bio at the front of his book Gods, Men and Monsters (1977), "The Greek myths and legends have always fascinated him, but took on a new meaning after he visited and came to know the places where so many of the stories are set."
Michael Gibson. Gods, Men and Monsters from the Greek Myths. Oxon: Peter Lowe (Eurobook Limited), 1977. Biographical information at front of book.
goodreads.com (accessed: February 8, 2021).
jacketflap.com (accessed: February 8, 2021).
Bio prepared by Robin Diver, University of Birmingham, RSD253@student.bham.ac.uk
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