Krystyna Kreyser
, 1924 - 2009
Classical philologist (PhD), president of the Section of Popularization of the Knowledge about Antiquity, Polish Philological Association (PTF). Initiator of high school Olympics rewarding knowledge of Antiquity, under the patronage of the PTF; member of the Polish Veterinary Society; Latin teacher; author and co-author of many books and of over 150 articles about the influence of Antiquity on European culture and on teaching Latin. Awarded the Rector’s 1st prize for didactic achievements at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). Main works: Śladami mitów starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu [Following the Myths of Ancient Greece and Rome], 1992; Cztery pory roku w mitach Greków i Rzymian [Four Seasons in the Myths of the Greeks and Romans], 1993; Zwierzęta gospodarskie w traktatach agrarnych pisarzy rzymskich I wieku cesarstwa [Farm Animals in Agrarian Treatises of Roman Writers of the 1st Century of the Empire], 1996; Tabella. Łacina bez trudu [Tabella. Latin Without Effort], 2006. Co-author with Halina Cieszkowska of: Gaudium in litteris, czyli radość z odczytywania napisów. Przechadzki po Warszawie [Gaudium in litteris, or the Joy of Reading Inscriptions. Walks through Warsaw], 1993; Wizytówki Warszawy [Vigniettes of Warsaw], 2000.
Bio based on the material kindly provided by the Author’s Son.
Bio prepared by Barbara Krcha, University of Warsaw,
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