Anita Rejch
, b. 1975
A philologist and journalist. Worked as an educator; for many years she was the editor of an educational portal Interkl@sa (accessed: June 16, 2021); author of books for children; co-author of educational exercises; editor of books for children and young adults.
Works: Mity greckie. Baśnie starożytnych [Greek Myths. Fairytales of the Ancients], 2007; Baśnie z tysiąca i jednej nocy [Tales of the Thousand and One Night], 2007; Sekretny pamiętnik szkolny [Secret School Diary], 2007; Złote myśli. Mój skarbczyk sekretów [Golden Thoughts. My Treasury of Secrets], 2008; Sekretny dziennik nastolatki. Cztery pory roku [Secret Diary of a Teenage Girl. The Four Seasons], 2012. The author says that she adores children, poetry, biking, travel, and Thailand – the land of smiles. She loves her family, most of all, her two daughters – the elder Idusia and the younger Jagódka.
Bio based on the material kindly provided by the Author.
Official website (accessed: June 16, 2021).
Bio prepared by Barbara Krcha, University of Warsaw,
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