Jacynth Hope-Simpson
, 1930 - 2008
Jacynth Hope-Simpson (b. 1930, Birmingham, West Midlands) was a British children's author and editor. She grew up in Stratford-upon-Avon, then attended Lausanne University and St. Hugh's College, Oxford. She wrote and edited books about witches, such as A Cavalcade of Witches (1966) and Witch's Cave (1990), historical books such as The Great Fire (1961) and Elizabeth I (1971), and myth books such as The Curse of the Dragon's Gold (1964). At the time of the publication of The Curse of the Dragon's Gold, she lived in Plymouth with her husband and young daughter.
In 2008, Hope-Simpson was killed in a car crash in Tunisia where she was holidaying.
Jacynth Hope-Simpson, The Curse of the Dragon's Gold, Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1964. Author biography.
Bournemouth Echo (accessed: November 4, 2020).
ISFDB, Summary Biography (accessed: November 4, 2020).
Amazon Listing: (accessed: November 4, 2020).
Goodreads Listing: (accessed: November 4, 2020).
Bio prepared by Robin Diver, University of Birmingham, RSD253@student.bham.ac.uk
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