Daurette Bidja
Age of narrator: 55 (in 2019)
Social status: commoner
Profession: Teaching
Language of narration: Koonzime
Bio prepared by Eleanor A. Dasi, University of Yaoundé 1, wandasi5@yahoo.com
Records in database:
Daurette Bidja
Age of narrator: 55 (in 2019)
Social status: commoner
Profession: Teaching
Language of narration: Koonzime
Bio prepared by Eleanor A. Dasi, University of Yaoundé 1, wandasi5@yahoo.com
Records in database:
Daurette Bidja
Age of narrator: 55 (in 2019)
Social status: commoner
Profession: Teaching
Language of narration: Koonzime
Bio prepared by Eleanor A. Dasi, University of Yaoundé 1, wandasi5@yahoo.com
Records in database: