Maria Konopnicka
, 1842 - 1910
A poet, novelist, journalist, critic, translator, and one of the most beloved authors of books for children and youth. Her artistic writings were, first of all, an expression of deep patriotism and longing for Polish independence. She could also be considered an activist for women’s and children’s rights. She co-organized an international campaign against the persecution of Polish children in Września (1901–1902) under Prussian rule. In 1905–1907, she organized a campaign of assistance to Polish patriots jailed by the Russian authorities and their families in Warsaw.
Her most important works for children: Śpiewnik dla dzieci [Songbook for Children], 1890; Co słonko widziało [What Did the Little Sun See], 1889; Dym [Smoke], 1893; Nasza szkapa [Our Old Mare], 1893; O Janku Wędrowniczku [Johnny the Wanderer], 1893; O krasnoludkach i sierotce Marysi [The Dwarves and the Little Orphan Mary], 1896; Na jagody [Let’s Pick Blackberries], 1903; Szkolne przygody Pimpusia Sadełko [Fatty Puff’s School Adventures], 1905. Many of her books are compulsory reading for elementary schools. Especially famous is The Dwarfs and the Little Orphan Mary: every year, from spring to autumn, the dwarves work and help poor people such as Little Mary, who has lost her flock of geese. The value of work, the meaning of poverty and the beautiful Polish landscapes are the most frequent motives of Konopnicka’s publications.
Bielawski, Jerzy and Krzysztof Płociński, eds., Maria Konopnicka (1842–1910) (accessed: October 5, 2021).
Lorent-Umięcka, Krystyna and Emilia Jakubowska, Bibliografia twórczości Marii Konopnickiej dla dzieci i młodzieży, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1989.
Pierwsze wydania utworów Marii Konopnickiej – ze zbiorów suwalskiej biblioteki. Biblioteka Publiczna im. Marii Konopnickiej w Suwałkach. Dział Informacyjno-Bibliograficzny [Maria Konopnicka’s first editions – from the collection of Maria Konopnicka Public Library in Suwałki. Section of Information & Bibliography], Suwałki, 2010, (currently inaccessible).
Bio prepared by Anna Ślezińska, Univeristy of Warsaw,
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