Salim Mokaddem
, b. 19..
Salim Mokaddem is a contemporary French philosopher, writer, professor agrégé in philosophy, and former Presidential adviser of Niger. Having received his PhD and agrégation at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, from 1995 to the present, he teaches philosophy at the University of Montpellier. He has a major interest inter alia in the history of philosophy (from antiquity to modern times), the philosophy and anthropology of education and childhood, in post-humanism et trans-humanism. His book for children Socrate est amoureux (Socrates in Love), an adaptation of Plato’s Symposium, issued in 2011 by “Les Petits Platons” publishing house, was translated into 10 languages.
Sources: profile (Accessed: November 5, 2021). (Accessed: November 5, 2021). (Accessed: November 2, 2021).
ORCID profile (Accessed: November 5, 2021).
Bio prepared by Angelina Gerus, University of Warsaw,
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