Adam Kilian
, 1923 - 2016
Adam Kilian was an eminent Polish scenographer, graphic designer and illustrator. He was originally from Lwów; during WW2, he and his family were deported to Samarkand. There, his mother founded Teatr Lalek Niebieskie Migdały [Puppet Theatre of Dreams]. In 1944, he enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture of the College of Arts and Crafts in Nottingham. After graduation, he came to Poland and devoted himself to theatrical scenography, co-creating many performances – children’s spectacles and puppet shows and operas and repertory theatre. At first, he worked for his mother’s Niebieskie Migdały Theatre in Warsaw, then in Teatr Lalka [Theatre “Puppet”] where during a 60-year artistic career, he created many performances inspired by folklore, folk art and/or naïve art.
He also frequently worked for adult audiences at Teatr Współczesny [Modern Theatre] in Szczecin, Teatr Powszechny [Theatre for All], Teatr Narodowy [National Theatre] and Teatr Polski [Polish Theatre] in Warsaw or Teatr im. J. Słowackiego [J. Słowacki Theatre] in Kraków. In total, he created 323 scenographies for theatres in Poland and abroad. He also designed scenographies for 22 television plays, as well as 72 cartoons and animated puppet films. He illustrated many children’s books and cooperated with Płomyczek [Flicker], a popular weekly magazine for children. In addition, he designed posters and postcards.
He received many awards for his contributions to Polish culture (see the list of his awards at, including his favourite, Order Uśmiechu (The Order of the Smile), the international award granted by children to adults for bringing them joy.
Adam Kilian at (accessed: November 25, 2021);
Adam Kilian at (accessed: November 25, 2021);
Adam Kilian at (accessed: November 25, 2021).
Bio prepared by Marta Pszczolińska, University of Warsaw,
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