Albert Zipper
, 1855 - 1936
Albert Zipper, born in Lwów, was a writer, Germanist, translator, poet, and lexicographer. An alumnus of Vienna University (Faculty of Philosophy) – Doctor of Philosophy; high school teacher (Zofia Strzałkowska High School in Lvov, Franz Joseph High School in Drohobycz), Instructor (German language and literature) at the Lvov Polytechnic. Co-author of Dokładny słownik języka polskiego i niemieckiego [The Exact Dictionary of the Polish and German Language], 1879; author of Siedem cudów świata i podróż do Olimpii. Opowiadanie ze starożytności [Seven Wonders of the World and a Trip to Olympia. A Tale from Antiquity], 1886; Cesarz i król Franciszek Józef I [Emperor and King Franz Joseph I], 1888; Mitologia Greków i Rzymian i najważniejsze wiadomości o mitologii Indów, Egipcyan, Babilończyków, Fenicyan, Persów, Celtów, Germanów i Słowian [Greek and Roman Mythology and the Most Important Information about the Mythologies of Indians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Persians, Celts, Germans and Slaves], 1898, and several other collections of Greek and Roman myths for young readers in wide usage before the publication of Jan Parandowski’s Mitologia. Wierzenia i podania Greków i Rzymian [Mythology. Beliefs and Legends of the Greeks and Romans], 1924 (links accessed: December 17, 2021).
"Zipper Albert", in Constantin von Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, vol. 60, Wien: Hof– und Staatsdruckerei, 1881, 172– 173 (accessed: September 27, 2021).
Bio prepared by Maryana Shan, University of Warsaw,
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