Jadwiga Jałowiec-Bartczak
, 1941 - 2003
A poet, teacher, social worker, and highly innovative educator. Born on June 25, 1941, in Złotopole near Lipno (Central Poland, northwest from Warsaw). After graduating from the Pedagogical Seminary in Wymyślin, she worked as a teacher in village schools. She completed her education, gained a higher degree and spent the rest of her professional life working in Primary School No. 3 in Lipno. Simultaneously with her educational activity, she worked at the Institute of School Curricula at the Ministry of National Education; in 1985–1991, she was a member of the Editorial Board of the weekly for children, Świerszczyk [The Little Cricket]. She was highly accomplished and diligent in a range of different occupations such as writing, illustrating, creating collages, weaving, and embroidering. Author of several collections of poems for children and adults: Najpiękniej jest po deszczu [It is the Most Beautiful After the Rain], 1981; Nasze drzewa [Our Trees], 1982; W środku świata [In the Middle of the World], 1988; Zadudnię kroplą w srebrnej rynnie [I’ll Make a Drop Rumble in a Silver Gutter], 1991; Siądź przy leśnej drodze [Sit Down at a Woody Road], 1998; novel Polne koniki [Grasshoppers], 1978; lexicon for the youngest children, Mój pierwszy leksykon [My First Lexicon], 2000, and (with Maria Lorek) a four-part textbook Słońce na stole [The Sun on the Table], 2000. Her poetry, published in various magazines and characterized by empathy, gentleness and consideration, was translated into Bulgarian, English, Macedonian, and Serbo-Croatian.
She acted as chair of the Literary Group of Lipno (1989–2003), was a member of the Teacher’s Literary Club in Włocławek and of the Dobrzyń Region Association of Enthusiasts. She was awarded the Ministry of National Education’s Medal, the Town of Lipno Merit Award, and other decorations. She died May 3, 2003 after a long illness and was buried in Nowa Wieś near Olsztyn, in north-eastern Poland.
Bio based on the material kindly provided by Kazimierz Skarżyński, the Headmaster of Jadwiga Jałowiec Private Gymnasium No. 1. in Lipno.
Bio prepared by Małgorzata Glinicka, University of Warsaw, muktaa.phala@gmail.com
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