Katarzyna Nowacka
, b. 1960
A philologist and journalist. Author of two series of short stories for children: Opowieści Zaczarowanego Lasu [Witchwood Tales], 2010, and Opowieści z Bajkowego Osiedla [Tales from a Fabulous Estate], 2010. Contributor to Miś – a famous Polish magazine for kids. MA in Polish philology from Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań. Since 1994 has been working as a journalist for TVP Poznań (Polish Public Television’s regional centre for Wielkopolska [Greater Poland]). Privately a huge fan of an English rock band – The Strawbs, especially of their song From the Witchwood, which inspired the title of her first series of short stories. Interestingly enough, the Polish title of the Witchwood Tales is nearly the same as the title of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Tanglewood Tales translated into Polish (Opowieści z zaczarowanego lasu), but, as Katarzyna Nowacka says, there is no intentional connection between her short stories and Hawthorne’s book. Apart from the song by The Strawbs, another impulse to write was provided by the pre-school adventures of the author’s daughter.
Bio is based on the material kindly provided by the Author.
Bio prepared by Ewa Wziętek, University of Warsaw, ewawzietek@student.uw.edu.pl
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