Stanisław Stabryła
, b. 1936
Classical philologist, retired professor of the Jagiellonian University. Author of numerous publications on ancient culture and Latin literature of the Augustan Age. His scholarly interests encompass Roman and Christian literature and the reception of Antiquity in Polish literature. His most notable and popular works include: Hellada i Roma w Polsce Ludowej. Recepcja antyku w literaturze polskiej w latach 1945–1975 [Hellada and Roma in the People’s Republic of Poland. Reception of Antiquity in Polish Literature Between 1945 and 1975], 1983; Mitologia dla dorosłych [Mythology for Grown-ups], 1995; Klątwa Pelopidów [The Curse of the Pelopids], 1995; Hellada i Roma. Recepcja antyku w literaturze polskiej w latach 1976–1990 [Hellada and Roma. Reception of Antiquity in Polish Literature Between 1976 and 1990], 1996; Księga legend rzymskich [The Book of Roman Legends], 1998; Dzieje wojny trojańskiej [The History of the Trojan War], 2004, and Terroryści znad Tybru [Terrorists from the Tiber’s Shores], 2006. Translator of ancient texts such as Seneca’s Thoughts or Ovid’s Metamorphoses (translated with Anna Kamieńska). Member of Polska Akademia Umiejętności [Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences], Polski PEN Club [Polish PEN Club] and Polskie Towarzystwo Filologiczne [Polish Philological Society].
[The Author’s Website], (accessed: March 14, 2013).
"Wspomnienia profesora Stanisława Stabryły", pl/stanislaw-stabryla (accessed: March 14, 2013).
Bio prepared by Katarzyna Sendecka, University of Warsaw,
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