Iwona Czarkowska
, b. 1970
A writer and editor of children’s magazines. Iwona Czarkowska graduated in journalism from the University of Warsaw in 1994. She started her career writing about media and film. Since 2000, she has been writing for the youngest readers. She worked for many various magazines, e.g., “DD Reporter,” “5–10–15,” “Ciuchcia,” “Czarodziejskie opowieści,” “Nasze dobranocki” and “Świerszczyk.” She is also known as author of over a dozen books for the youngest readers: Biuro zagubionych zabawek [The Office of Lost Toys], 2007; a series on Bolek and Lolek’s new adventures (including Bolek i Lolek w świecie mitów greckich [Bolek and Lolek in the World of Greek Myths], 2009); Kocia Odkrywalnia Tajemnic [A Place Where Cats Uncover Secrets], 2009; Duchy ze Wzgórza Rabowników [Ghosts from Robber Hill], 2011; Bajeczki dla dziewczynek [Little Fables for Little Girls], 2011; Kazio i skrzynia pełna wampirów [Kazio and a Casket Full of Vampires], 2011; Kazio i szkoła pełna wampirów [Kazio and a School Full of Vampires], 2012; Kazio w miasteczku pełnym wampirów [Kazio in a Small Town Full of Vampires], 2012; Cień anioła [Shade of an Angel], 2012; Antoś Żeberko, Kuba i Gang Porywaczy Skarpetek [Tony Ribs, Jake and the Gang of Sock Thieves], 2012, etc.
In 2009, she received a mention in the Telbit Best Book for Young Readers Contest, and in 2010, a 3rd prize in the 2nd edition of Astrid Lindgren Competition for a contemporary book for children and young readers organized by the Fundacja ABCXXI – Cała Polska czyta dzieciom [Foundation ABCXXI – All of Poland Reads to Kids]. Czarkowska also translates English and Russian literature for children.
Bio prepared with the use of the material kindly provided by the Author.
Bio prepared by Karolina Zieleniewska, University of Warsaw, k.zieleniewska@hotmail.com
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