Dorota Terakowska
, 1938 - 2004
Born in Kraków, Dorota Terakowska was a writer and journalist. She received an MA in sociology at the Jagiellonian University (1965). She was an editor-in-Chief of “Gazeta Krakowska” (1969–1981), editor and commentator for the national weekly published in Kraków, “Przekrój” [Cross-section] (1976–1989), and for “Zeszyty Prasoznawcze” [Press Studies]; a member of Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich [Polish Journalists Association] (1971–1981) and Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich [Polish Writers’Association] (from 1989). She debuted with the novel Guma do żucia [Chewing Gum], 1986; established herself as one of the most successful fantasy writers for children, teenagers and popular among adults. She received many prestigious awards: in 1994, she was placed on the Hans Christian Andersen Honour List; she received three prizes from the Polish Section of IBBY for Córka czarownic [Daughter of the Witches], 1991; Samotność bogów [Loneliness of the Gods], 1998, and Tam gdzie spadają anioły [Where the Angels Fall], 1999, and also the 1995 Children’s Bestseller for Lustro pana Grymsa [Mr Gryms’ Mirror] awarded by a jury composed of children; the 1998 Book of Spring for Loneliness of the Gods and was nominated in 1998 for Paszport “Polityki” [“Polityka” Pass], an annual cultural award of the weekly “Polityka.” Terakowska’s two daughters also had successful careers: Katarzyna T. Nowak became a journalist and writer, and Małgorzata Szumowska became a film director.
Nowak, Katarzyna T., Moja mama czarownica. Opowieść o Dorocie Terakowskiej [My Mother the Witch. A Story about Dorota Terakowska], Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2005.
Official website (accessed: April 2, 2022). (accessed: April 2, 2022).
Bio prepared by Konrad Tymoteusz Szczęsny, University of Warsaw,
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