
Stanisław Nowaczyk

Stanisław Nowaczyk was a writer and editor, but firstly, a pedagogue and educator focused on school children. Before WW2, his books were published by Ossolineum in Lwów (Lviv), and after the war, he was active in Toruń. There, he was the co-founder and chancellor of Spółdzielcza Księgarnia Nauczycielska (SKN) [Teachers’ Cooperative Bookstore], which since May 1945 offered various books and magazines for young readers, such as Płomień [The Flame], Płomyk [The Little Flame], Płomyczek [The Tiny Flame], Iskierki [Tiny Sparkles] and Młody Technik [The Young Technician]. From 1947, SKN also maintained a wholesale warehouse for Nasza Księgarnia and Światowid publishing houses. Nowaczyk was the author of didactic materials, teaching aids and methodological guides, especially for teaching history in elementary schools, such as Jak uczę historii w szkole podstawowej [How I Teach History in Elementary School] (1936) or Przewodnik metodyczny do Opowiadań z dziejów ojczystych dla V klasy szkół powszechnych Włodzimierza Jarosza [Methodological Guidebook to Stories from History of the Fatherland for 5th Grade Students of Elementary Schools by Włodzimierz Jarosz] (1934) and books about bringing up children and working with them at school Książka pedagogiczna w pracy dydaktyczno-wychowawczej nauczyciela [Pedagogical Books in Teachers’ Didactic and Educational Tasks]. He also lectured on pedagogy and the history of children’s education at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. For over 28 years (1946–1974), he was the editor-in-chief of Życie Szkoły [School Life], which focused on the organisation of education and teaching and was published in Toruń at the time.


Marek, Elżbieta, “Czasopismo Życie Szkoły ma 60 lat”, УДК 37 (2005): 127–128 (accessed: May 6, 2022).

Olszewska, Wanda, “Spółdzielcza Księgarnia Nauczycielska w Toruniu w latach 1945–1950”, Folia Toruniensia 2–3 (2002): 71–87.

Polish Research Guide, Warsaw: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1974, 101.

Bio prepared by Marta Pszczolińska, University of Warsaw,

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Male portrait

Stanisław Nowaczyk

Stanisław Nowaczyk was a writer and editor, but firstly, a pedagogue and educator focused on school children. Before WW2, his books were published by Ossolineum in Lwów (Lviv), and after the war, he was active in Toruń. There, he was the co-founder and chancellor of Spółdzielcza Księgarnia Nauczycielska (SKN) [Teachers’ Cooperative Bookstore], which since May 1945 offered various books and magazines for young readers, such as Płomień [The Flame], Płomyk [The Little Flame], Płomyczek [The Tiny Flame], Iskierki [Tiny Sparkles] and Młody Technik [The Young Technician]. From 1947, SKN also maintained a wholesale warehouse for Nasza Księgarnia and Światowid publishing houses. Nowaczyk was the author of didactic materials, teaching aids and methodological guides, especially for teaching history in elementary schools, such as Jak uczę historii w szkole podstawowej [How I Teach History in Elementary School] (1936) or Przewodnik metodyczny do Opowiadań z dziejów ojczystych dla V klasy szkół powszechnych Włodzimierza Jarosza [Methodological Guidebook to Stories from History of the Fatherland for 5th Grade Students of Elementary Schools by Włodzimierz Jarosz] (1934) and books about bringing up children and working with them at school Książka pedagogiczna w pracy dydaktyczno-wychowawczej nauczyciela [Pedagogical Books in Teachers’ Didactic and Educational Tasks]. He also lectured on pedagogy and the history of children’s education at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. For over 28 years (1946–1974), he was the editor-in-chief of Życie Szkoły [School Life], which focused on the organisation of education and teaching and was published in Toruń at the time.


Marek, Elżbieta, “Czasopismo Życie Szkoły ma 60 lat”, УДК 37 (2005): 127–128 (accessed: May 6, 2022).

Olszewska, Wanda, “Spółdzielcza Księgarnia Nauczycielska w Toruniu w latach 1945–1950”, Folia Toruniensia 2–3 (2002): 71–87.

Polish Research Guide, Warsaw: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1974, 101.

Bio prepared by Marta Pszczolińska, University of Warsaw,

Records in database:

chat Submit error

Yellow cloud