Hanna Januszewska-Moszyńska
, 1905 - 1980
A prose writer, poet, translator from German. A University of Warsaw graduate with MA in Polish philology. Worked for the Polish Radio, numerous Polish weeklies (“Tygodnik Ilustrowany”, “Bluszcz”) and children’s magazines (“Płomyczek”, “Płomyk”, “Miś”, “Świerszczyk”). Author of dozens of novels, stories, plays and poems for children, some of which have been translated into European languages, e.g. Lwy [English: The Lions, French: Les Lions] and O krakowskim kocie [German: Der Kater von Krakau, Dutch: Hen katje van Krakau]. Received several Polish and international awards, including Polish Prime Minister’s Prize and Order of the Smile (an international award given by children for pro-children activities). Her book Bajki o czterech wiatrach [Tales of the Four Winds], 1978, was included in the 1979 Special Hans Christian Andersen Honour List, issued on the occasion of the International Year of the Child.
Hanna Januszewska at książki.wp (accessed: September 16, 2022),
Wikipedia (accessed: September 16, 2022).
Bio prepared by Tomasz Królak, Univeristy of Warsaw, ufnal8@gmail.com
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