George Mbona Njimele
, b. 1973
George Njimele was born in Awing, Northwest Region of Cameroon. He attended the University of Buea in Cameroon where he earned a BA in English and French. He started writing at an early age and writes mostly for children and young adults. He took up writing full-time and started the Peacock Writers Series in Cameroon. Some of his works viz, Madmen and Traitors (2015), The Queen of Power (1998), Undeserved Suffering (2008) and Poverty is Crazy (2012) are prescribed in the Cameroon school curriculum (literature awareness) for beginners in secondary school. Other of his works include: King Shaba (2006), House of Peace (2007), Land of Sweet Meat (2017), A Time to Reconcile (2020). He won the National Poetry Prize in 1995 organised by the National Book Development Council. His other work, The Lion and the Tortoise and other Stories was selected for the Cameroon/World Bank Read at Home Project in 2021. He lives with his family in Douala, Cameroon.
Information provided by the author.
See also The Forum with George Njimele at Elie Smith YouTube channel (accessed: September 22, 2022).
Bio prepared by Eleanor A. Dasi, University of Yaoundé I,
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