Wiktor Gomulicki
, 1848 - 1919
A poet and novelist. Born in Ostrołęka, he attended primary school in Pułtusk. In 1864 he moved to Warsaw, where he went to secondary school and then studied law at the Main School. He abandoned his studies after the Main School was transformed into the Russian Imperial University (1869). He published in several Polish periodicals such as Kurier Warszawski, Kurier Codzienny, Tygodnik Powszechny, Mucha, and Kolce. He authored contemporary novels (e.g. Ciury [Camp Followers], 1907) and historical novels (e.g. Obrazki starowarszawskie [Pictures from Old Warsaw], 1900–1909), as well as short stories and poems highly appreciated by his contemporaries, including the famous Polish poet Julian Tuwim. Gomulicki also translated foreign poetry and took the lead in translating Baudelaire’s Les fleurs du mal into Polish. He is buried at the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw.
Bio prepared by Karolina Kolinek, University of Warsaw, karolinakolinek@student.uw.edu.pl
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