Christophe Chaffardon
, b. 1973
Holding an engineering degree from INSA in Toulouse, Christoph Chaffardon was simultaneously interested in literature and science. After finishing his studies, he found an ideally suitable place of work in the interdisciplinary Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie de la Villette [City of Science and Industry in la Villette] in Paris. Later he came back to Toulouse where he assumed responsibility of educational activities and scientific mediation at the Cité de l'espace [City of Space]. He wrote two pedagogical books for teachers and several documentaries for youths on space and astronomy – e. g. an album Le chasseur dans le ciel published in 2006 by the Parisian Le Pommier. His first novel for young adults is entitled Balthazar et le secret de l'agent Muller [Balthazar and the Secret of Agent Muller] (2012). The following year, he published La dernière mission d'Edouard K [Edward K’s Last Mission], (Le Pommier), in 2015. Au cœur de l'espace [At the Heart of Space], (Gallimard jeunesse, Series "le monde animé." Le manuscrit d’Aristarque (2016) is his only novel to-date inspired by classical antiquity.
Bio prepared by Elżbieta Olechowska, University of Warsaw,
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