TED: Technology, Entertainment, Design (accessed: July 6, 2018) is a media organization focused on “ideas worth spreading”, which organizes conferences and creates online talks for free distribution. One of its initiatives is TED-Ed (ed.ted.com), an online platform hosting short interactive lessons. Each lesson consists of four sections:
– Watch – animated educational video (available also on YouTube);
– Think – a short quiz about the video’s content;
– Dig Deeper – a concise text on where to search for more information on the topic (providing mainly hyperlinks to educational websites rather than “traditional” bibliographical references);
– Discuss – a forum with two types of discussions: Guided (i.e. created by the educators), and Free (i.e. created by the viewers).
Prepared by Joanna Kłos, University of Warsaw, joanna.klos@student.uw.edu.pl
Records in database:
- TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing, Series Before and After Einstein: How Taking a Bath Led to Archimedes’ Principle
- TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing, Series Behind the Curtain: 1) Music and Creativity in Ancient Greece / 2) The Battle of the Greek Tragedies
- TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing, Series Government Declassified: What Did Democracy Really Mean in Ancient Athens?
- TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing, Series Math in Real Life: What Is Zeno’s Dychotomy Paradox?
- TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing, Series Mysteries of Vernacular: Miniature / Inaugurate / Dynamite / Venom / Gorgeous / Sarcophagus
- TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing, Series Playing with Language: Why Shakespeare Loved Iambic Pentameter / How Did Clouds Get Their Names? / How to Use Rhetoric to Get What You Want
- TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing, Series The Artist’s Palette: A Brief History of Graffiti
- TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing, Series The Big Questions: What Aristotle and Joshua Bell Can Teach Us about Persuasion / Plato's Allegory of the Cave / Plato's Best (and Worst) Ideas /The Philosophy of Stoicism /
- TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing, Series World’s People and Places: The Scientific Origins of the Minotaur / The Ancient Origins of the Olympics / This is Sparta – Fierce Warriors of the Ancient World