Overly Sarcastic Productions
Overly Sarcastic Productions (accessed: June 18, 2019) is a YouTube channel created by two young people with nicknames Red and Blue. They describe their activity as "summarizing classics and history" and "making the unfunny funny and the uninteresting interesting". Since 2012 they have created more than 180 animated educational videos, drawn in Japanese chibi art style; there are many series of the videos, such as, i.a., Miscellaneous Myths, Trope Talk, Classics Summarized, Shakespeare Summarized and History Summarized. They declare that Red is a huge fan of books and tropes, while Blue is more interested in history and philosophy. Although the effects of their joint work are definitely impressive, they can also differ on truly fundamental issues – e.g., when asked by one of the fans: "Greeks or Trojans?", Blue claimed to prefer Trojans, as "Hector is the only sympathetic character in the entire war", meanwhile Red expressed herself in favour of Greeks and their, as she called it, "bromance".
Profile at TVTropes.org (accessed: June 18, 2019)
Overly Sarcastic Productions, Q&A!, YouTube.com, June 8, 2016 (accessed: June 18, 2019)
Overly Sarcastic Productions, Q&A!! [100,000 SUBSCRIBERS SPECIAL], YouTube.com, June 21, 2017,
Twitter profile (accessed: June 18, 2019)
Prepared by Joanna Kłos, University of Warsaw, joanna.klos@al.uw.edu.pl
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