Blue [Gregory Kerr]
Overly Sarcastic Productions is a YouTube channel created by two young people with nicknames Red and Blue.
Gregory Kerr, i.e. Blue, nicknamed for the colour of his eyes, as an undergraduate, he studied classics and philosophy; he is inspired by figures such as Caesar, who is his favourite dictator, and Thucydides, who as a writer was convinced that historical narrative should be enjoyable. Blue supports such an attitude and surprisingly, this makes him think that textbooks "are garbage" and "the worst way to convey information". This attitude made him dislike history at school – till the moment he started to attend the classes of prof. Loren J. Sammons II at Boston University and other lecturers in Classics; additionally, Assassin’s Creed helped him enjoy historical narratives as well.
Bio prepared by Joanna Kłos, University of Warsaw,
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