Dr Ayelet Peer
Department of Classical Studies, Bar-Ilan University
e-mail: ayelet.peer@gmail.com
Ayelet Peer was born and raised in Israel, near Tel Aviv. Ever since she was a young girl, she was fascinated by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and her favorite book was an adaptation of Greek mythology in Hebrew.
She studied classics (majoring in Greek and Latin) at Tel Aviv University and finished summa cum laude. She then continued to study on a direct course for a PhD at the School of History at Tel Aviv University. She received her degree in 2010.
Ayelet taught a few years at Tel Aviv University and then in 2018 she started teaching at Bar Ilan University. Ayelet’s maiden book, Julius Caesar's Bellum Civile and the Composition of a New Reality came out in 2015 under Ashgate, now part of Routledge.
Ayelet’s fields of interest include among others Greek and Roman literature and historiography, Julius Caesar, civil wars in Antiquity, and Classical Reception (mainly in Japanese manga and anime).
Ayelet joined the OMC group on 2010 as Dr. Lisa Maurice’s research assistant and her life would never be the same! She works on the OMC Survey, reading hundreds of fascinating children’s books, as well as on the OME database.

Ayelet Peer, Julius Caesar’s Bellum Civile and the Composition of a New Reality, Farnham–Burlington, VT: Ashgate/Routledge, 2015, 210 pp.