Prof. Lisa Maurice
Department of Classical Studies, Bar-Ilan University
Lisa Maurice specializes in Classical Reception, particularly in children’s literature and popular culture. In 2014 she organized a conference (From I, Claudius, to Private Eyes: The Ancient World and Popular Fiction) that gathered both experts in the field and world-class bestseller authors (Olivia Fane, Caroline Lawrence, Steven Saylor, Simon Scarrow). She has rich experience in scholarly editorships (e.g., Brill’s series “Metaforms: Studies in the Reception of Classical Antiquity”), and has researched on encounters between religion, cultural studies, and new media. She authored The Teacher in Ancient Rome: The Magister and His World (2013) and Screening Divinity: Gods, Demi-Gods and Humans (2019). She is the author of the conception of a panel Beyond the Classics Classroom – Myth, Pedagogy and Promise, accepted to the Classical Association’s conference Swansea April 2020.
Profile on the Bar-Ilan University Website

Lisa Maurice, The Teacher in Ancient Rome: The Magister and His World, Plymouth: Lexington Books, 2013, 268 pp.

Lisa Maurice (ed.), The Reception of Ancient Greece and Rome in Children's Literature: Heroes and Eagles, in the series: “Metaforms. Studies in the Reception of Classical Antiquity”, Brill, Leiden–Boston 2015, 346 pp.

Lisa Maurice (ed.), Rewriting the Ancient World: Greeks, Romans, Jews and Christians in Modern Popular Fiction, in the series: “Metaforms. Studies in the Reception of Classical Antiquity”, Brill, Leiden–Boston 2017, 352 pp.

Eran Almagor and Lisa Maurice (eds.), The Reception of Ancient Virtues and Vices in Modern Popular Culture: Beauty, Bravery, Blood and Glory, in the series: “Metaforms. Studies in the Reception of Classical Antiquity”, Brill, Leiden–Boston 2017, 440 pp.

Lisa Maurice, Screening Divinity: Gods, Demi-Gods and Humans, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019, 240 pp.