What Would Hercules Do? Companion Materials
What Would Hercules Do? Companion Materials
ed. by Susan Deacy
In the late 2000s, I set myself the task of creating materials for autistic children based on classical myth.
After a few years, for the European Research Council funded project Our Mythical Childhood… The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges (2016-2022), I embarked on a “Herculean path” culminating first in a series of activities disseminated via my Autism and Classical Myth blog in 2018 and, secondly, in a book: What Would Hercules Do? Lessons for Autistic Children Using Classical Myth published in 2023 in the series Our Mythical Childhood by the University of Warsaw Press.
- Please click here for the Open Access, freely available, version of the book;
- To visit my blog, Autism and Classical Myth, please click here;
- For information on myself, please see my Our Mythical Childhood/Acclaim biography here.
Below I present some materials prepared by myself and my colleagues to accompany the book, for our mythical adventure is an open chapter. As our ACCLAIM (Autism Connecting with CLAssically Inspired Myth) network grows, we may be adding more, so please stay tuned and send us your feedback!
Susan Deacy