Our Mythical Childhood...

The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges

Homer on Air

We are pleased to invite you to our meetings with Homer within the Our Mythical Childhood project and the research Cluster: The Past for the Present in February and March 2019. Thus we happily joined Homer’s Iliad Day – an international event at the initiative of the Festival Européen Latin Grec de Lyon. Our mythical friends and colleagues from the institutions involved in the project’s and the Cluster’s activities, along with the schools we cooporate with, organized some public storytelling and reading sessions, in the whole range of various languages we use in every day life, including Ancient Greek and Latin;-). Sometimes it turned out to be necessary to translate Homer’s verses first, as no translation had been available in the given language, as was the case with the language of Sakha (Yakutian) or some Cameroonian dialects. At these pages, we have gathered the movies, pictures, reports, etc., on the activities held at our institutions. We hope you can feel the magic of Homer’s word as we did during each of the meetings.

Call the Muses and join our ἀοιδοί!

Poster by Zbigniew Karaszewski