Marian Grześczak
, 1934 - 2010
Marian Grześczak (1934-2010) was a poet, author of novels, short stories, and playwright; literary critic and translator; cofounder of the artistic group Wierzbak and of the Students’ Club Od Nowa where he was also the artistic director; laureate of many literary prizes; editor in magazines such as “Poezja,” “Scena,” “Tygodnik kulturalny” and “Twórczość” where he was an editor of the poetry column. Translator of Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Russian, and Israeli poetry. In the 1990s Polish consul in Slovakia and director of Polish Cultural Centre in Bratislava.
His best known book, Odyseja, odyseja [Odyssey, Odyssey], 1976, is based on the workers’ antigovernment protests in Poznań in 1956 where up to a hundred people were shot and killed. Many of his novels, as well as essays and poems refer to the Greek mythology, for example a multilingual volume of poetry called Atena strząsająca oliwki [Athena Shaking an Olive Tree], 2003, or Nike niosąca blask [Nike, the Bringer of Light], 2008.
Official website (accessed: September 21, 2020).
"Grześczak Marian", in Lesław M. Bartelski, Polscy pisarze współcześni 1939–1991. Leksykon, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1995, 125–126.
"Grześczak Marian", in Jadwiga Czachowska and Alicja Szałagan, eds., Współcześni polscy pisarze i badacze literatury. Słownik biobibliograficzny, vol. 3: G–J, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1994, 178–180.
Bio prepared by Maria Karpińska, Univeristy of Warsaw,
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