Wojciech Rzehak
, b. 1967
Wojciech Rzehak was born in Kraków. He graduated from the Jagiellonian University in 1992, having studied Polish philology. In the 1990s, he worked as a Polish teacher at August Witkowski High School in Kraków. Since 2000 he has worked as deputy director at Private High School No. 8 and at Mikołaj Rej Private High School No. 7 (where he teaches Polish) also in Kraków.
He has collaborated with the District Examination Board in Kraków – since 2001; with the Central Examination Board – since 2005, and with the Centre for Educational Diagnostics of the educational publishing house, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne [School and Educational Publishing Houses] – since 2012.
Author of many textbooks, e.g., Język polski. Vademecum [Polish Language. Vademecum], 1998; Mitologia. Wierzenia Greków i Rzymian [Mythology. Beliefs of the Greeks and Romans], 2007; Antologia poezji staropolskiej z opracowaniem [Anthology of Old Polish Poetry with a Commentary], 2011.
Bio based on the material kindly provided by the Author.
Bio prepared by Karolina Zieleniewska, University of Warsaw, k.zieleniewska@hotmail.com
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