Title of the work
Country of the First Edition
Country/countries of popularity
Original Language
First Edition Date
First Edition Details
Wojciech Rzehak, Mitologia. Wierzenia Greków i Rzymian, ill. Jacek Siudak. Kraków: GREG, 2004, 247 pp.
Instructional and educational works
Target Audience
Children (12–18)
Courtesy of Wydawnictwo GREG, the publisher.
Author of the Entry:
Summary: Karolina Zieleniewska, University of Warsaw, k.zieleniewska@hotmail.com
Summary, Analysis: Hanna Paulouskaya, University of Warsaw, hannapa@al.uw.edu.pl
Peer-reviewer of the Entry:
Elżbieta Olechowska, University of Warsaw, elzbieta.olechowska@gmail.com
Katarzyna Marciniak, University of Warsaw, kamar@al.uw.edu.pl