Władysław Zambrzycki
, 1891 - 1962
An erudite, a lover of history and literature, author of plays, short stories, historical novels. Born in Radom, attended university (chemistry) in Belgium. After an escape from Russia and the Bolshevik Revolution, he settled in Warsaw. He considered himself above all a journalist. He was fond of saying that he had journalism in his blood, but when feeling the need for fantasy, he wrote novels. Contributed to Polish magazines, such as “Express Poranny,” “Nowiny Codzienne,” “Tygodnik Ilustrowany,” “Merkuriusz Polski Ordynaryjny,” and “Nowe Wiadomości Ekonomiczne i Uczone.” Zambrzycki also had a weekly column in “Ekspres Wieczorny” – a Polish evening newspaper published in Warsaw. One of his most popular books is Kwatera Bożych Pomyleńców [Quarters of God’s Fools], 1959, produced in 2009 as a play by Teatr Telewizji (a department of Polish Public Television) directed by Jerzy Zalewski. The novel tells the story of four elderly gentlemen having a discussion in a library during the Warsaw Uprising (1944). Zambrzycki also wrote three plays at the end of WW2; they were never published, or staged.
Władysław Zambrzycki. Życie i twórczość, [Website dedicated to the Author] (accessed: May 9, 2022).
Bio prepared by: Daria Pszenna, University of Warsaw, dariapszenna@student.uw.edu.pl
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