Oren Sherman
Oren Sherman is an American artist, illustrator and university professor. He is an alumnus and lecturer at Rhode Island School of Design, where he specialises in teaching colour theory, storytelling, design, entrepreneurship and pattern. As an artist, he specialises in brand identity and has worked with a diverse range of clients, including Pepsi, Disney, the US Postal Service, Hermes and the US Mint. He draws inspiration from American poster artists of the 1920s and 1940s. The back cover to this book (The Random House Book of Greek Myths) claims of Sherman that, "he brings his lifelong interest in and passion for Greek myths to this collection, his first foray into illustrating books for young people."
Back cover of The Random House Book of Greek Myths
Official website (accessed: March 6, 2019)
Profile at risd.edu (accessed: March 6, 2019)
Bio prepared by Robin Diver, University of Birmingham, RSD253@student.bham.ac.uk
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