Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 2 entries for tag: Mesopotamia

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Blue , Overly Sarcastic Productions , Red

Armchair Classics (Series): The Epic of Gilgamesh / Hecuba / Ajax

Armchair Classics is the shortest series made by Overly Sarcastic Productions – apart from the first episode, The Epic of Gilgamesh, which will be described here as an example of the series’ style and characteristics, there are only two other episodes: about Ajax and Hecuba. The series is also slightly different from the others (except Armchair History): the only drawn character is the one of the boy (Blue, we can guess), who sits in an armchair and narrates the whole story. The othe(...)


YEAR: 2015


Extra Credits , Carrie Floyd, Daniel Floyd, Soraya Een Hajji, David Hueso, Joseph Maslov, James Portnow

Extra History (Series): The History of Writing – Where the Story Begins / The History of Writing – The Alphabet

For the Extra Credits and Extra History series, see the entry on the Punic Wars in the same series.The History of Writing – Where the Story BeginsFrom the brief introduction we find out that Extra History rarely deals in their videos with the history of ideas, so the team thought of preparing this animation as an experiment. The film’s main topic is the history of the concept of the written word, which is as old as 5600 years. At first, basic functions of writing are enumerated:(...)


YEAR: 2016