Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 2 entries for year: 1916

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Edward Frederic Benson

David Blaize

David Blaize follows the titular David as he journeys through his preparatory school and public school before he graduates and attends Oxford University (explored in David Blaize of King’s, also titled David of King’s: Benson, E. F., David Blaize of King’s. George H. Doran Company, 1924). Throughout the novel, David has several friends, including Bags, Adams, and most importantly, Frank Maddox. Frank is David’s closest friend and the two have an intense bon(...)


YEAR: 1916

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Katherine Dunlap Cather, Frances Elliott Clark

Pan and His Pipes: and Other Tales for Children

This is a collection of myths and legends about music from around the world, spanning in time from ancient Greece to medieval Europe. The Greek myths featured are the births of Pan and Mercury, story of Pan and Syrinx and the contest between Apollo and Pan. Each chapter ends with a list of music pieces relevant to the music discussed in the chapter. For example, the story about Mercury's invention of the lyre ends with a list of 25 selections on instruments descended from the lyre. There is (...)


YEAR: 1916

COUNTRY: United States of America