Our Mythical Childhood...

The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges

Myths from Cameroon

The essence of the innovative approach in the Our Mythical Childhood... (OMC) Project consists in multi-axial comparative studies of differing reception models not only across Europe, but also in the parts of the world not commonly associated with Graeco-Roman tradition, including Africa. Our team members from the University of Yaoundé 1 in Cameroon work on this aspect of the Project.

Prof. Daniel A. Nkemleke – Head of our team in Cameroon 

Professor Daniel A. Nkemleke brings a unique African perspective to the project Our Mythical Childhood... (OMC). An applied linguist with a background in the compilation and exploration of English second language (ESL) databases (corpus linguistics) with application to academic writing pedagogy in tertiary education, he has recently developed interest in Classical Studies within the OMC Project supported by the ERC Consolidator Grant. He and his colleagues has the exciting task of documenting African myths, most of which are hitherto unknown, for the wider academic audience, and they present these myths via various disseminations activities as the OMC Project develops. (More here.)

Ecole Normale Supérieure, University of Yaoundé 1

Created in 1961, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) was given the mission of rapidly educating a sufficient number of teachers needed for high school system in Cameroon, as well as inspectors of primary schools. Since, the School’s dynamic development led to assuming a significant research function, particularly in the area of education and to including fourteen different departments in the humanities and sciences. (Text after ENS’s website.)

Africa in Our Mythical Childhood Survey

The Cameroonian contribution to the project centres on oral tradition and on providing an intellectually stimulating perspective to reception research. It also opens new, exciting vistas on the similarity and diversity of myths for scholars, as well as for the general public, presenting stories and literary works little known outside of Africa. Our Cameroonian team members bring to the Survey their particular attitude and direct relation to myths and culture in general that lets the users discover and enjoy a larger spectrum of humanistic experience.

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