Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 4 entries for tag: Jupiter

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Rebecca Ray and Anna Warfield Storyboard That

Olympian Vocabulary

The purpose of the activity is to teach students about the connection between mythology and the English language. Students will also learn more about the characters of each myth by understanding their impact on modern language. Each student should choose three English words that come from a mythological character or god. Examples include: jovial, Herculean, mercurial, cereal, martial, volcano. For each word students divide a box in two. One side should have an ill(...)



Inga Grześczak

Intermediate Latin. Fons et Origo [Source and Origin]

The textbook was mainly designed for self-study. The Latin subheading Fons et origo [source and origin] is supposed to express the idea that the composition and contents of the book aim at showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Antiquity as reflected in the Latin language.

The body of the book has been divided into 7 lessons (lectiones), each concerning a different area of life - from everyday activities, thro(...)


YEAR: 2012


Magda van Tilburg

Phaethon [Radiant]

Phaethon is a comic by Magda van Tilburg, in which she presents the myth of Phaethon according to Ovid: the phrases used by characters come from volumes I and II of Metamorphoses. The entire comic is written in Latin and it is only in the digital version that the original text is accompanied by an English translation. In addition to the translation, supplementary boxes contain explanations referring to proper names and morphological issues.


YEAR: 1986, 2009

COUNTRY: Netherlands

Janusz Ryba, Elżbieta Wolanin, Aleksandra Klęczar

Homo Romanus 1 [The Roman Man]. Textbook for Learning Latin and Ancient Culture

Homo Romanus is a textbook for teaching of Latin language and ancient culture aimed at higher grades of secondary schools. It consists of two parts, which facilitates its use as an advanced course as well as at a basic level with fewer hours of instruction (using only part 1). Each part is divided into 5 thematic modules (moduli). Each module contains 5 lessons (lectiones) and an additional recap unit (repetitio). The course inc(...)


YEAR: 2017