Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 3 entries for tag: Dido

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Lidia Winniczuk

Lingua Latina. Latin without the Help of Orbilius

The book was created as a unique, innovative Latin course intended for self-study. Its aim was to prepare students for translating classical texts. The author devised a pioneering method which introduced an innovative layout independent of standard patterns.

Contrary to traditional methods, the author does not begin each module/unit with a text, but rather with a grammatical commentary and preparations and then continues with exe(...)


YEAR: 1975


Magda van Tilburg

Dido and Aeneas

Dido et Aeneas is a Latin (bilingual Latin/English as a digital version) comic book based on mainly 4th book of Virgil’s Aeneis. The author presented the story of the characters using a comic she herself illustrated, with the text in the bubbles and the commentary written in Latin using phrases known to the reader from school class. The form of a comic makes the reading a lighter and better adapted to the young reader compared to the same o(...)


YEAR: 1980, 2008

B. L. Ullman, Charles Henderson, jr., Norman E. Henry

Latin for Americans. First Book

The sixth revision of Latin for Americans, First Book is based on time-tested principles upon which Professor B. L. Ullman originally based this highly successful series. From the very start, the student is presented with reading connected Latin passages with comprehension of the Latin as Latin. The vocabulary is methodically chosen for the frequency of its occurrence in Latin literature and in English derivatives. The simple and informal presentatio(...)


YEAR: 1981 - (sixth revised edition) frequently revised, still in print; 1st edition 1941