Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 2 entries for tag: Celaeno

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams

Iris the Colorful (Goddess Girls, 14)

In this installment, we meet Iris. Iris’ wishes make Zeus acknowledge her and her abilities, so she can be crowned as the goddess of rainbows. Meanwhile, the academy is facing a potential disaster when the titan Typhon is freed form Tartarus by his mother Gaia and comes to wreak havoc and destroy the Academy. Iris’ resourcefulness, together with the four wind brothers, rescues the day. At the same time, Iris faces a dilemma when she and her best friend, Antheia, like the same boy.In (...)


YEAR: 2014

COUNTRY: United States of America

Sulari Gentill

The Blood of Wolves (The Hero Trilogy, 3)

The Blood of Wolves finds the young Hero and her adopted brothers, Machaon, Lycon and Cadmus back on the slopes of Mt Ida. The arrival of one of the Trojan refugees who left with Aeneas after Troy’s fall soon sets them and their guardian wolf Lupa on another long journey. This time all the Herdsmen leave, as Pan warns that Ida will soon fall to its land-hungry neighbours. They go to find a new home for themselves and to help Aeneas, who they are told has been imprisoned on Crete; their adv(...)


YEAR: 2013

COUNTRY: Australia