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Showing 1 entry for tag: Erice

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Riccardo Francaviglia

Myths in Sicily: Thunderbolts 2 [I miti in Sicilia: I fulmini, 2]

This book (the second of a 2-book series) explores the Greek myths that are found in Sicily. The myths narrated in this volume are: the abduction of Persephone and the creation of the seasons; Arethusa and Alpheus; stories about Heracles: his birth and the creation of the Milky way when he bites Hera’s breast, his struggle with Erice and his tasks to bring the golden apples and Cerberus; the birth of Hephaestus; the escape of Daedalus and Icarus.The focus is on the Sicilian connections to (...)


YEAR: 2015