Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 4 entries for tag: Eratosthenes (of Cyrene)

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Halina Rudnicka

A Hero Bound [Heros w okowach] (Spartan Trilogy [Trylogia spartańska/Trylogia antyczna], 3)

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp., section by Joanna Grzeszczuk, p. 322.A Hero Bound is the last book of Halina Rudnicka’s trilogy about ancient Sparta. The Spartan king Cleomenes, after being defeated by the Achaean League, flees to the court of Ptolemy E(...)


YEAR: 1969


Christophe Chaffardon

Aristarchos' Manuscript [Le manuscrit d’Aristarque]

The action takes place in the 3rd century B.C. Athens and later Alexandria in Ptolemaic Egypt. A physician practicing advanced and not yet sanctioned medicine is forced to flee Athens with his daughter Ophelia as stowaways on a small ship going to Alexandria. He dies suddenly, having been poisoned when the ship reaches its destination. Before he dies he manages to tell his daughter to look for a certain Aristarchus, who turns out to have been a revolutionary astronomer who believed that the Eart(...)


YEAR: 2016


Albert Barillé

Once Upon a Time... The Discoverers (Series, S01E02) : Archimedes and the Greeks [Il était une fois… les Découvreurs: Archimède et les Grecs]

Archimède et les Grecs is the second episode of the series about discoveries entitled Il était une fois… [Once Upon a Time…]. It presents the achievements of ancient Greek thought in terms of science and engineering by introducing Archimedes in an interesting and approachable way. The plot is similar to any other episode in the series: a white-haired, old Maestro narrates histories about important inventions from the past to a group of bored or inattentive childr(...)


YEAR: 1994


István Száva, Tamás Szecskó

The Giant of Syracuse [A szirakuzai óriás]

The entry is based on the Polish edition Olbrzym z Syrakuz, Warszawa: Nasza Księgarnia, 1966.A Sicilian Greek boy, Sporos, plays with his friend Zeuxippos*. Sporos, son of the mathematician and astronomer Phidias**. Out of curiosity, he uses a bifurcated branch to draw circles on sand to see how many of them could be placed on the circumference of the central one; he discovers that the correlation ratio is not dependent on the size of the circles. His friend wants to go home, so he destroys the (...)


YEAR: 1959

COUNTRY: Hungary