Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 2 entries for year: 1931

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Maria Buyno-Arctowa

Midas. A Golden King [Midas. Złoty król]

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp.King Midas loves only two things: gold and his daughter, Złotuszka [Goldie]. He collects as much gold as he can for his daughter. One day while counting the money in the treasury, Midas meets a young man who offers to fulfil one (...)


YEAR: 1931


Władysław Zambrzycki

Our Lady of Joy, or Strange Adventures of Gaston Bodineau, a Colonel in the Belgian Army [Nasza Pani Radosna, czyli dziwne przygody pułkownika armii belgijskiej Gastona Bodineau]

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp.The book is written in the form of fictitious memoirs of the author, who in this time-travel story along with Colonel Bodineau and two other friends – Jeff van Campen and Kuba Schroetter – moves to Pompeii of the 1st (...)


YEAR: 1931