Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 5 entries for tag: King Midas’ Golden Touch

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Galim (Snunit)

Stories from Greek Mythology (Sipurei Hamitologya Hayevanit)

This activity offers a selection of 7 6 abbreviated myths which are also connected to common idioms in Hebrew: Sisyphus, Narcissus, Achilles’ Heel, Pandora’s Box, Trojan Horse, Midas’ Golden Touch.

Each myth is accompanied by online questions and at the end there is a quiz on all the myths.

The activity takes around 20 -30 min.No prior knowledge is needed.

The activity accompanies the lessons in clas(...)


YEAR: 2017-2018


Kotar/CET (Center for Educational Technology)

A very good word: Greek Mythology: Reading stories, comparing styles and writing your own story (Mila Tova Meod: Hamitologya Hayevanit)

This book offers study and practice of linguistic themes as part of Hebrew language studies. The book offers variety of texts, online activities and many exercises for the students and teachers in order to enhance literacy, reading skills and reading comprehension. The texts include traditional Jewish sources, Israeli authors and poets and general texts on a variety of subjects including Greek mythology.



YEAR: 2016


Storyboard That

King Midas’ Golden Touch Character Analysis

This resource asks students to illustrate a comic strip based on the myth of King Midas’ Golden Touch. The student should choose one character from the story and in each box illustrate a scene where that character advanced the plot and provide a brief caption/explanation. The activity is intended to teach students about plot development and story telling through the Greek myth.




Elizabeth Pedro/ StoryboardThat

King Midas and the Golden Touch Character Map

This resource asks students to create a character map for both the major and minor characters in the myth of King Midas and the Golden touch. Students should use the given template to draw a picture of the character, describe their physical appearance, traits, actions, and provide quotes that the characters said that progress the plot. Students learn skills of character analysis while better understanding the myth of King Midas and the Golden touch.




Elizabeth Pedro/ StoryboardThat

King Midas’ Golden touch: Theme of King Midas

This resource has students create a storyboard of the myth of King Midas while looking at the presence of one theme throughout the story. Students are either assigned a theme or choose for themselves and illustrate three instances where the theme occurs in the story. Students provide a description under each illustration. The activity is meant to sharpen students’ understanding of how theme works in a story and deepen their understanding of the myth of King (...)
