Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 32 entries for category: website

Pattern Pattern Pattern

National Geographic Kids

10 Facts about Ancient Greece

This webpage offers 10 facts on the ancient Greek culture. The facts refer to everyday life (food, clothing), mythology, events, festivals. At the bottom of the page, there are various facts on modern Greece.



Anna K. Baker

A View of The Odyssey. Curriculum Unit 83.02.02

The purpose of this resource is for the teachers to use the epic poem as a tool to help the students in their own self-discovery and path to adulthood. The complexity of the Odyssey is meant to mirror challenges within the students’ own lives, as well as making them more familiar with a literary masterpiece. As the creator writes: “Students can be asked to see in the experience of Odysseus, the archetypal traveler, and his son Telemachus, a vision of t(...)


YEAR: 1983


Evelien Bracke

Ancient Greeks – Young Heroes

Introduction to Greek myth, society, and language


YEAR: 2019

COUNTRY: Belgium


DK Find Out

This online resource contains an interactive map of ancient Greece. When you click on one of the sites, an information text appears. If you click on the red words in the text, new information page opens up. The information which appears on the map includes: Mount Olympus, Greek art, Troy, Greek clothing, Philosophers, Athens, The Oracle at Delphi, Olympia, Sparta, Trireme and Alexander the Great. (...)




DK Find Out: Troy - The Trojan War

This online resource contains an interactive map of ancient Greece and an ancient Greece quiz. When you click on one of the sites, an information text appears. If you click on the red words in the text, a new information page opens up. For example, when you click on Troy, you get the Trojan War interactive page.



Deborah Lynn Turnbull

Dolphins and Whales In Mythology Part One of a Multidisciplinary Unit. Curriculum Unit 83.02.12

This unit focuses on myths related to dolphins and whales. The lessons involve reading of the texts, with accompanying ancient pictorial representations of whales and dolphins. The unit explains the ancient (and modern) navigation by stars. The unit develops critical thinking on natural and ecological issues as well. The creator provides introduction to cetacean from different aspects, biological and cultural. (...)


YEAR: 1983


Kotar/CET (Center for Educational Technology)

From Greek Mythology: Oedipus the King (Min Hamitologia Hayevanit: Oedipus Ha’melech)

This online interactive activity contains two multiple-choice questions on Greek mythology: “What is Greek Mythology” and “Why do you think the Greeks believed that the gods dwell on Mt. Olympus.” The next activity introduces an adapted story of King Oedipus with following questions. The story of Oedipus is a short, one-page version. It follows Oedipus&r(...)



Irma E. Garcia

Greek and Roman Mythology in the Classroom. Curriculum Unit 83.02.11

This unit serves as complement to the curricula of social and urban studies classes. It focuses on the influence of Greek mythology on the modern world and less on literary analysis of  ancient texts. As part of the activities, the students look for specific words from the myths in translation, draw or cut out pictures which express ideas from the myths, practice oral and silent reading (the labours of Hercules are given as (...)


YEAR: 1983


Laura Jenkinson-Brown

Greek Myth Comix

The website is focused on presenting students with ancient myths in an approachable and entertaining form of a comic. The author of the comics reaches for absolute classics: myths, the Odyssey, drama, the Aeneid, and allows the reader to effortlessly learn numerous interesting facts and concepts from mythology, literature, philology, philosophy and other sciences.Greek Myth Comix was originally launched to assist students in the auth(...)



Flocabulary team

Greek Mythology

This lesson provides information on the 14 Olympians in a manner of an animated musical video clip


YEAR: 2019

Piotr Bańkowski

Latin Globally

Łacina globalnie [Latin Globally] is a website, or blog directly aimed at teaching the Latin language, offering, among other resources, an original textbook with a set of exercises. The author divided the course into thematically driven lessons (e.g., personal and reflexive pronouns, cardinal numerals, plusquamperfectum, ablativus absolutus, gerundium etc.), which are available as a full course or as separate lessons in the ‘Grammar(...)



Katarzyna Jasińska-Zdun

Latin Language for Students

The website provides students from diverse groups with a variety of educational aids. It contains original downloadable scripts to be used in class (see print screen), as well as a variety of files with learning resources: grammar, vocabulary, exercises, texts for self-study, a selection of prose and poetry (including audio recordings) or lyrics of Latin carols. A significant portion of the website is dedicated to mythology and i(...)


YEAR: 2014


Anthony Gibbins


Simple stories about a town named Legonium (made of lego) in which the inhabitants of the town try to track down a mysterious jewel thief.  At one point they visit Pompeii, using the Sydney University Lego reconstruction of Pompeii, housed in the Nicholson Museum.   The stories use conversational Latin to introduce beginning Latin students to the language.  While mythological stories do not feature much, employs po(...)


YEAR: 2017- ongoing

COUNTRY: Australia

Yaniv Hamami


D.I.C Technologies operates and maintains websites catered to children's entertainment, promoting social content in a protected online environment. D.I.C Technologies' flagship product, Mikmak World, is a supervised, secure online social platform where users can design virtual characters to go on adventures, play games, and meet other members. The purpose of Mikmak is the enjoyment in pl(...)


YEAR: 2009


Camilla L. Greene

Myth Connections. Curriculum Unit 83.02.08

This unit focuses on the reading and retelling of myths as well writing skills and group participation skills. The purpose is also to “enable students to appreciate African and Greek myths” and provide the students with knowledge about past cultures, of which they may know very little. This unit was written for a school mostly populated by African-American students, hence the focus on African myths as part of making the students more familiar with them(...)


YEAR: 1983


John Severi

Mythological Archetypes: Amazons to Madison Avenue. Curriculum Unit 83.02.07

This unit aims to “explore mythology through a cross-cultural, archetypal approach.” the students will read and discuss poems, stories and experts from novels which contain common elements relating to mythological architypes. The activities focus on reading comprehension and evaluation of texts as well as writing assignments and art, such as collage making. The students work individually or in groups. This unit also a(...)


YEAR: 1983


Laura Ferrante-Fernandes

Mythological Soaps. Curriculum Unit 83.02.10

This unit is aimed to “teach English to speakers of other languages (ESOL) through the myths of love and passion while concurrently introducing students to mythology.” This dual goal is achieved via skit (brief dramatic pieces) adaptations of Daphne and Apollo, Pyramus and Thisbe, and Aphrodite and Adonis (they myths are adapted from Bulfinch’s Mythology).The creator notes that students are engaged with TV&r(...)


YEAR: 1983


Michael Conte, Jr.

Mythology for the Classroom. Curriculum Unit 83.02.04

This unit offers an introduction to Greek and Roman mythology, with the hope that the students will later continue exploring this subject on their own. The students learn of the ancient myths via modern retelling. The purpose is also to strengthen the students’ language skills, by asking them to search words in a dictionary and give them writing assignments. The unit offers three lesson plan samples, bibliography for teachers and students, filmstrips (from the Audio-Visual D(...)


YEAR: 1983


Doris Vazquez

Mythology in the ESL Classroom. Curriculum Unit 83.02.09

This unit is designed as a handbook for teachers on incorporating myths into ESL (English as Second Language) classes. The stories are aimed to develop reading skill, writing skills, artistic skills, listening skills. The suggested myths are:The creation of the world and humankind, Pandora, name of the months, exploits of various Olympian gods, (the Roman names are used in this unit): Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Minerva, (...)


YEAR: 1983


Joel Skidmore


This website is a resource for teachers and students that summarizes and describes the significance of hundreds of mythological characters, ancient sites, and modern classical scholars.



Odyssey in Comics

The narration of the Odyssey tells the story of the Homeric poem in a simplified and approachable manner, illustrated with cartoon drawings, and is addressed to children and teenagers with Special Education Needs (SEN). The material is composed of illustration sheets accompanied by brief captions.The illustrations introduce the Homeric characters beforehand, through cards with a character’s thumbnail and their (...)


YEAR: 2010


Hugh Lupton, The Cambridge School Classics Project (CSCP), Daniel Morden

Primary Ancient Greeks

Primary Ancient Greeks is aimed mainly at primary school teachers. The website provides teaching guidance, printable materials and lesson plans for teaching Ancient Greek literacy and history through Greek myths. The website contains thematically-organised modules prepared to be realized within 6 weeks. The crucial idea of the authors is for each of the topics to introduce to the student 2-3 chosen Greek myths weekly and present connected ideas and concepts from t(...)



Kelley O’Rourke

Prometheus, the Firebringer. Curriculum Unit 83.02.03

This unit focuses on the character of the Titan Prometheus and his heroism towards humankind. The creator aims to use the myths of Prometheus as part of a theatre curriculum and study of the Greek theatre. The activities involve: reading assignments, listening skills, creative writing (playwriting Exercise) dramatic speaking, dramatization of the myth, making a mask, creating original playsets and study of the Greek theatre, creative movement (game of statues).(...)


YEAR: 1983


William F. Natale Jr.

Reading and Writing Via the Myths. Curriculum Unit 83.02.05

The purpose of this unit is to encourage reading and creative writing The creator’s aim among others, is “to use mythology s an impetus to creativity in other areas of schoolwork such as in art, English, and social studies”, hence link between mythology and other subject from the students’ curriculum. The activities involve reading, creative writing: sending letters to other students while pretending to be(...)


YEAR: 1983


Galim (Snunit)

Stories from Greek Mythology (Sipurei Hamitologya Hayevanit)

This activity offers a selection of 7 6 abbreviated myths which are also connected to common idioms in Hebrew: Sisyphus, Narcissus, Achilles’ Heel, Pandora’s Box, Trojan Horse, Midas’ Golden Touch. Each myth is accompanied by online questions and at the end there is a quiz on all the myths. The activity takes around 20 -30 min.No prior knowledge is needed. The activity accompanies the lessons in clas(...)


YEAR: 2017-2018


Diana Doyle

Teaching Mythology: Gods and Heroes. Curriculum Unit 83.02.06

This unit aims to enhance students’ reading and writing skills and encourage their curiosity by teaching them adapted myths, especially on Greek heroes. The myths suggested in this unit are: the creation myth with comparison with other cultures’ creation stories (Babylonian, Apache, and Nigerian), Titanomachy, Olympian gods, creation of humans, Gift of fire, flood, Pandora, Hercules, Orpheus, Daedalus, Odysseus and Achilles form the heroes’ myths(...)


YEAR: 1983


National Geographic Kids

The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece

This website provides brief information on specific Greek gods and goddesses. The feature divinities are: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Hades, Hermes, Demeter, Apollo, Athena. For each deity a photo of a statue is included.



Galim (Snunit)

The Olympian Gods ( Haelim Haolympiim)

This activity focuses on ancient Greek religion. It explains about the origin of the word “myth” and offers explanation about the Greek Pantheon. The information is accompanied by online activities, such as quiz (e.g. which Olympian god would you be?) and other interactive games relating to the Greek gods.

The activity accompanies lessons in class and offers further exercise on the subject matter.


YEAR: 2017-2018


The Primary Latin Project team

The Primary Latin Project

The Primary Latin Project is a website aimed at the teachers, it promotes the teaching of ancient languages in primary schools. The website provides training for teachers and helps with resources to run the programme based on the Minimus textbook in primary school. Minimus  is a unique Latin course for younger children based on a real family who lived in Britain at Vindolanda in 100 AD: Flavius, the fort commander, his wife Lep(...)



Anat Spitzen

The Prince and the Narcissus ( Hanasich vehaNarcisv’HaNarkis)

This activity focuses on the Narcissus flower and presents the myth of Narcissus. The story of Narcissus (referred to as an ancient Greek legend) is adapted as a rhymed poem and there are questions following the story. There is also botanical information on the flower . 

The activity takes around 15 min. No prior knowledge is needed. 

The online activity accompanies the lessons in class.


YEAR: 2006


AV2 by Weigl

Venus Goddess of Love and Beauty: Media Enhanced Book

This website offers an accompanying online activities to the book Venus Goddess of Love and Beauty by Teri Temple and Emily Temple. The book is reviewed on our OMC survey (see here).The online website offers an online version of the book.The interactive activities follow the information in the book and include various actions to check its comprehension. The activities include Picture(...)



National Geographic Kids

Zeus the Mighty

This website accompanies the “Zeus the Mighty” book series by Crispin Boyer. It provides interactive activities as well as information on the book and its main characters.The website includes the following: Games: Zeus the Mighty: help Zeus climb Mt. Olympus,Personality Quiz By Kay Boatner: which type of pet and Zeus character you are mo(...)


YEAR: 2019