Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 2 entries for country: Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Anatol’ Viartsinski

Hephaestus – the Friend of Prometheus [Гефест – друг Праметэя (Hefest – druh Prametėia)]

The story begins with a poetic prologue where Prometheus briefly gives answers to some questions and tells his story: “While the audience is getting into the mood for the performance, while the lights are fading out and the tableau curtains are being slowly drawn apart (this time they are drawn apart all too slowly), the dialogue starts, a question followed by the answer. The questions are asked by our time, by our contemporaries, by ourselves; they come from somewhere near, this side of t(...)


YEAR: 1983

COUNTRY: Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Janka Maŭr

The Journey to Hell: A Fairy Tale [Падарожжа ў пекла: байка (Padarozhzha ŭ pekla: baĭka)]

The Journey to Hell is a satirical anti-religious fable in 7 parts. It describes adventures of two Soviet pioneers in a mythological Hell which combines ancient, Christian, and traditional Slavic features and topoi. The fable starts with a short introduction providing basic information about Hell as present in the collective consciousness and some quantitative data cited after quasi-scientific Soviet sources and books on religious themes, including The Divine Comedy by Dante. The introduction is(...)


YEAR: 1929

COUNTRY: Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)